Monday 11 March 2019


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Bought the above ROY of the ROVERS book the other day in a charity shop.  I'm not (and never have been) a football fan, but the volume fairly sings of another age, and being a nostalgia freak (no, I insist you retain the word 'nostalgia' in the sentence), I thought I'd add it to my collection.  What follows is a few pages to show you what I mean.


  1. I always really enjoyed football comics- there was a Commando-format comic simply called Football which I used to like. I also bought Match of the Day magazine in the mid-90s just because there was a Roy of the Rovers strip in it. Always felt the football steps tended to have a nice old-fashioned feel to them at the time, probably because they didn't cover any of the more unsavory sides of the game- hooliganism etc.

    Interesting to see in that second picture that Roy had the power of levitation.

  2. Though I didn't much like football in real life, I bought Shoot, Scorcher, and Score (at least for a while) 'cos I could never resist the lure of a new comic. Enjoyed Billy's Boots. Never mind the levitation, DS - a few pages further on, he uses his optic eye-blasts, and then scores a goal by kicking a tank into the net. (Nah!)

  3. Best football comic strip ever, in my opinion, was Millionaire Villa (I've mentioned it on your blog before, and managed to track down a Roy of the Rovers annual which reprinted the complete story).

    The story of a millionaire who buys a football club and makes the manager play him in the team despite having no experience or ability as a footballer. It seemed so far-fetched when I first read that strip in the early 80s, but almost certainly is going to happen one of these days, as the big football leagues become more and more full of fabulously wealthy club owners.

  4. Don't think I've ever read that story, DS. I reckon most millionaire/billionaire club owners would be perfectly happy to sit and watch the games rather than play in them - after all, the latter takes a lot of hard work. However, I wouldn't bet on you being wrong.

  5. It was all good until Roy got the 70s hair ...

  6. The Australians were still sporting that '70s hair in the '80s. Short back and sides is best.


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