Tuesday 12 March 2019



CAPTAIN MARVEL seems to be getting a lot of attention at the moment due to the latest blockbuster movie doing the rounds in cinemas.  Haven't seen it, but I've been buying some of the TRUE BELIEVERS reprints by MARVEL COMICS and thought you might like to see them.

Got a favourite from when you read the originals back in the day?  Be sure to say so in the comments section.

(Oops!  Overlooked two - now added.)


  1. That Avengers issue which kicked off the Kree-Skrull War was one I missed way back in the day. Had all the others, but not that one and no nifty comics shop to find one. Treasured it mightily when I finally got hold of one. Primo Sal Buscema!

    Rip Off

  2. I bought it in the Scottish seaside town of Largs in 1971, RJ, but I didn't read the subsequent issues 'til they were reprinted (in b&w) in the Avengers UK weekly around the mid-to-late '70s. I replaced the ish a good number of years ago and still have it today. Top notch stuff.

  3. First of all I’m really glad Marvel is reprinting “the good stuff” at a cheap price . It’s the right way to get people into comics. Second I saw the movie . It was ok- with a few things which annoyed me no end. Probably the same things which would annoy you .

  4. You mean like the fact that the movie isn't about Mar-Vell for a start? And Jude Law's out-of-place accent? I'll wait 'til it comes out on DVD. (The movie, not the accent - though that'll come with it sure enough.)

    1. And what they did to the Skrulls . And apparently yeah about Mar-vell. It annoyed me no end. It’s no secret the Mar-vell character makes a cameo but what they did to him - makes you go, but why? Why?

  5. Well, I suppose Annette Bening hasn't had a lot of work recently.

  6. My favourite of these were the first one, the Gene Colan Cap Marvel and the Avengers Skull Kreee wars issue with sal Buscema art. I had never heard of Binary so ignored that one and the others I have the originals already. Apart from the FF comics and the recent Conan True Believers I have not been overly impressed with the comics selected for this series, so many other great comics from this period they could have chosen.

  7. Thing is, PM, they're only promotional items to tempt people into buying the Omnibus and Epic collections, so I think they want to hold back most of the best stuff so that people will buy the books. In fact, I'm surprised that they published the TB edition of CTB #1, as I imagine that's the one that most Conan fans would buy the Omnibus for. Now Marvel are publishing facsimile edition issues (ads and all) which, though more expensive than the TBs, are more like the original first issues. I've already ordered the facsimile of Marvel Feature (#1) Presents The Defenders. Bought another reprint of it a few years back, but it didn't feature the original cover so the new one's a 'must have'.


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