Tuesday, 12 February 2019


Enchanting goddess CAROLINE
MUNRO graces us all with her stunning
presence today, lads.  Caroline also graced
The SPY WHO LOVED ME, but she was
unaware I was a spy when she was covering
my face in kisses.  (Hey, you're getting this
for nothing, so don't expect quality [or
even factual] witticisms!)


  1. Funny you should post this as I just saw the lovely Caroline the other weekend (as if!), well onscreen anyway in Dracula AD 1972. Hammer Films being one of my (too many) other interests outside of comics. The film is dated (literally, in the title) but entertaining, well it entertained me. (too many brackets?)

  2. Caroline is always 'entertaining' to watch, PC, I'm sure you'll agree. (And there can never be too many brackets.) (Or can there?)


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