Monday 17 December 2018


Images copyright relevant owners

Saw a link to this story over on MARK EVANIER's blog, about an original WOOLWORTH'S Luncheonette still in operation to this very day.  There's dispute as to whether this is the only survivor, with some people claiming that others are still around elsewhere.  However, this one is an original, and not a replica or re-creation, as some (if not all) of the others might be.  It's in the FARLEY BUILDING, which is a 'Five And Dime Antique Mall', in Bakersfield, and seeing these photos makes me want to jump on a plane (or into a telephone box, but my costume's at the cleaners) and fly right over to experience this delightful-looking place for myself.  It's a slice right out of history.

What do you think, readers?


  1. Very impressive! SO glad to still see one of these (I live southern Calif.):) (I just could go up there..:))

  2. Go tomorrow, and let me know what it was like when you get back. I'd love to know if it's as good as it looks.


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