Monday 24 December 2018


Opened my curtains this morning to see a sprinkle of fine frost
covering the ground, so with a little piece of luck, maybe we'll get
what JIM REEVES is dreaming of - a WHITE CHRISTMAS.
Let's all hope so.  Click that arrow to hear him sing about it.


  1. So far it's neither a white Christmas nor a wet Christmas.
    This year I've decided to do something radical - for the first time I'm not having any chocolate, Christmas cake, mince pies or anything sweet. Instead I'm just having sausage rolls, crisps, sandwiches etc.

    Merry Christmas, Kid!

  2. You sure hes not dreaming of Sophia Loren

  3. Merry Christmas when it comes, CJ, and to everyone else too.


    I'm sure it's no trouble for him to be dreaming of both, LH. Merry Christmas.


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