Saturday 29 December 2018


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Bashful BARRY PEARL suggested that I show this STAN LEE/STEVE DITKO strip, presumably to demonstrate just how good the two men's collaborations could be.  He even sent me scans of "The GENTLE OLD MAN!" to present for your reading pleasure, saving me all the hard work of scanning these images myself.  (Not that I could anyway, as I don't have this particular issue - JOURNEY Into MYSTERY #94 from 1963.)  All that's left for me to do now is to say - enjoy!


  1. Brilliant...I can remember the story ...Great to see it once more.. Many many thanks.

  2. When I posted it I noticed that the lettering was a bit washed out, LH, so I've darkened and sharpened the images just a tad - might be worth taking another look. I'm sure Barry will be pleased by your enjoyment of the strip.

  3. It's a funny thing about comics 60 years old, they begin to fade. But I am glad you put it up!

  4. Another Stan Lee / Steve Ditko great collaboration was The Terror of Tim Boo Bah. Again from Journey into Mystery

  5. The pictures you sent were really small, BP, which maybe accounts for some detail drop-out. And not only are you glad that I put the tale up, so is LH.


    I've got that one somewhere in reprint form, LH, so it may appear in the future.

  6. Brilliant work from one of comicdom's great teams. Many thanks Kid and Barry.

  7. I just love these kind of tales, S64. That's why I bought Amazing Fantasy Omnibus when it first came out. Highly recommended.

  8. Just happened to be passing. What an unexpected fab read before I set off to work. I love these old comic stories. Set me up for the day. Thanks for posting it, Kid :)

  9. Thanks to Barry for sending it to me, TK. Glad you enjoyed it.


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