Friday 2 November 2018


'Bot as in abbreviation of Robot obviously.  I had this little fella when I was a kid, and managed to obtain a replacement a few years back, box and all.  This one I got recently, no box, no key (update: managed to acquire a key), but otherwise fully functional.  (So now I've got two.)  For some reason I once thought it was manu-factured by MARX TOYS, but no - it's by TOMY.  The arms used to remind me slightly of B-9 from LOST In SPACE - still do in fact, but that's where any resemblance ends.  Any of you Criv-ites have one of this little chap's pals when you were young?  Do tell.

(Incidentally, I carefully removed that little piece of 'flocking' on top of his right arm.  Couldn't have him looking anything less than perfect.)

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