Sunday, 14 October 2018


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Back in 1984, JOHN BYRNE and AL MILGROM collaborated on new covers for a four-issue series of DOCTOR STRANGE CLASSICS, based on (some might say 'copied') STEVE DITKO illustrations inside the mags.  I think they're pretty good, and though I might've shown them before, art like this is always worth another look.  So what're you waiting for?  Start looking.


  1. I remember when these came out. They looked cool at the time but there was no way I could afford the $1.50 price with my allowance.

  2. My ol' memory's fading, 'cos I can no longer recall if I bought them when they first came out or as 'back issues' a few years later. They're a great wee set though.


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