Monday 13 August 2018


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I only learned of this Annual's existence a few short weeks ago when I saw it on eBay, having absolutely no recollection of ever having seen it back in 1978/'79.  I've got the 1977/'78 Annual so I bought this one to keep it company on the shelf, but the one that arrived was not exactly the same as the one pictured in the listing.  Can you spot what's different about it?

As you can see from the picture below, my copy is missing the words 'Annual 1979', which means that it was doubtless printed for sale abroad.  This was quite a common practice for IPC Annuals, as they were shipped abroad at a later date than they were sold in this country, but it's the first MARVEL Annual I've seen amended in this way.  Unlike IPC Annuals though, which merely deleted the year while leaving the word 'Annual', the whole line has been removed and a clumsy 'add in' has replaced it.

If nothing else, it makes for an interesting curio, but I'd have preferred to have received the original version.  (Update: I've since acquired it.)  Any of you Criv-ites got any other Marvel UK Annuals that have been amended in this way?  Tell all, folks! 

As you can see below, the contents page was also amended.  The book could possibly remain on sale for years without the date on it.

And below is the back cover of both versions, sans title.  Wouldn't make a bad pin-up, would it?


  1. I had this annual but I'd completely forgotten about it till today - I had the Spidey '79 annual too.
    I didn't know UK annuals were sold abroad!

  2. Weekly comics were distributed overseas (by Gordon & Gotch), CJ, especially the IPC ones. The Summer Specials also, which usually had a list of the countries where they were available. However, although I knew about the IPC/Fleetway titles, this is the first time I knew that Marvel UK must've done the same.

  3. I bought this annual at a primary school jumble sale around 1985ish and still have it. I read and re-read the Hulk vs Inhumans story til I knew it off by heart! Pity the annual couldn't find room to reprint the original Steranko cover, but I still love this book.

    Haven't read it in a while, but if I remember correctly it also has a Defenders story with a splash page of Subby striding down a New York street wearing a crown and holding a trident.

    Great memories of reading this on my bedroom floor back in more youthful days!

  4. I've actually got Hulk Annual #1 with the Steranko cover, DS, so only The Defenders tale was new to me. However, I think it's had at least a couple of pages edited out - something they sometimes did with the UK Marvel Annuals. (The Hulk/Inhumans story seems to be complete though.)


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