Wednesday 22 August 2018


Have you ever craved a pristine-condition issue of FANTASTIC #1 to replace your long-discarded one from childhood?  Unless you struck it lucky, you'd have to pay around £60 for a fairly decent one, but there's currently a brilliant-looking, brand-new facsimile copy over on eBay for a mere £12.  Check out the accompanying photos to see what it looks like.


  1. Why don't you just admit this is yours, that you copied this issue and are selling it. The seller's name gives you away. You really don't have any limits to the depths you reach do you, now your making illegal copies of other peoples work and selling them for profit. Scumbag,

  2. I really shouldn't indulge idiots, but I've got a spare moment and it's no strain. First, let's examine your assumptions: 1) Who said I made it? 2) Who said there's any profit involved? You really shouldn't make any comment until you know for a fact what you're talking about. And why do you use the name Michael? Are you trying to suggest that you're the other Michael who's likewise been making a tit of himself recently? If you are him, say so, and if you aren't, shame on you for trying to shift the blame for your ignorant comment onto him. @rsehole!

    (Stormy weather for this time of year, eh?)

  3. I used Michael because that’s my name and used it before. Look at this blog. Nothing but a hideout for a troll now your selling illegal copies of comics ‘though as usual your cult is too stupid to see it

  4. Nope, it isn't your name even if you have used it before - which I doubt. Who said it's an illegal copy? (Apart from you.) And who are you calling a cult? You're one altered letter away from being a 'cult' yourself. Now get back to your inflatable boyfriend.


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