Thursday 5 July 2018


Some years ago, I worked in my local MOTOROLA plant and, upon turning up for work one night, I was charged with an unusual task.  One of the staff was retiring (though certainly not shy) and, knowing of my artistic leanings, my boss, MARIE, asked me to do a caricature to be presented to the soon-to-be former worker the next day.  It was a bit short-notice, but I was supplied with a photo of the individual and let loose.

What you see above is the result, drawn during my half-hour lunch break in the wee small hours of the morning.  Done with a gel pen if I remember correctly, I took a bit of care inking this one as it was going to be framed before being given to the 'lucky' recipient, but it was still drawn pretty fast, hence the name of DUNN KWIK, my pseudonym employed for all pieces of art that circumstances (or laziness) dictated being produced in a bit of a hurry.  It was a good likeness and I hear the subject was more than pleased with the finished article.

I can see what needs improved, but all-in-all, it isn't too bad and adequately fulfilled the purpose for which it was created.  Can't ask for more than that in half an hour, can you?  Obviously it would've been far better in colour, but not having been given any advance warning, I had nothing with which to colour it.


In fact, on reflection, scratch that modest assessment above.  That drawing is pretty darn good considering the circumstances under which it was produced, drawn off the top of my head with no reference material as a prompt.  And it's a good likeness, given that all I recall being provided with was a thumbnail-sized photo on an ID card.


  1. It turned out great...Is it still in existance ?

  2. I'd imagine the drawing still exists, LH, but as I only ever see his wife shopping by herself these days, I don't think the subject is.

  3. Impressive work especially as it only took you 30 minutes, do you still draw ?. I found an old sketchbook of mine a few years ago from the 80s (when I was working in marketing but secretly still wanting to be a comic artist) and was pleasantly surprised by some of the drawings nowadays I can barely draw a straight line

  4. Well, PM, you know the old saying - "If you don't USE it, you LOSE it!" Despite my previously stated intention to one day produce my own comic (and I still plan to), I find my heart isn't really in drawing any more. It's a huge chore, brought on by fatigue (medical condition), and deteriorating eyesight - as well as never being quite happy with anything I draw. Or at least I might be to begin with, but after a while all I see are the 'mistakes'. Can't draw a straight line, eh? If that includes not even with a ruler, you really are in trouble.

    Originally posted 6 July at 13.31, reposted 20.44 with corrected typo.


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