Sunday 8 July 2018


Anyone who collects 1960s toy cars (as I do) knows that it's sometimes difficult to obtain even pristine items in their original packaging and must often take what's going at the time in case the opportunity doesn't present itself again at a later date (and at an affordable price).

The two cars on show here were originally sold in card-backed bubble-packs, and although I could print out replicas of the cards myself, I decided to use the services of a company which produces retro-style boxes to match cars bereft of their original packaging.

To reiterate, these two cars weren't issued in boxes, but if they had been, this is what they might've looked like.  They improve the displaying of such items many-fold, and if you have any collectable toy cars which would benefit from having a box to match, here's the link for you:

Go on - pay it a visit today.


  1. I like the concept very much. I've indulged in some similar ideas for specific unique toys as presents, but i like the idea of creating boxes for toys that never had boxes even more. The execution looks nice, but you're the expert on toys - How do they do matching the package design to others from the same manufacturers of the same time period?

  2. One of the problems of even professionally printed boxes, 3, is often the way the curves of the end flaps are cut - usually by hand, with scissors, and not very precisely done. The two boxes you see in this post, however, look as if they've been cut by machine and are hard to fault. I doubt that anybody, with no knowledge of the toy's history, upon seeing box and car for the first time, would suspect that the box wasn't from the same period as the car.


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