Friday 20 July 2018


Sad to learn, from browsing through STEVE HOLLAND's blog, that JIMMY HANSEN, ace cartoonist on such characters as BUSTER, SHINER, RICKY RAINBOW (which I lettered), and DENNIS The MENACE (as well as numerous others), died on Tuesday 19th June from cancer.  No doubt many comics fans who grew up reading his strips will feel that a little part of their own lives has departed with him, but at least his work survives in back issues that those who were wise enough to hang onto theirs can return to again and again.  Condolences to his family, friends and fans.  See Steve's post on the artist here.  


  1. Always sad news to lose anyone who was part of an industry which has meant so much to so many down the decades.

    Rest easy Mr Hansen, and thanks for all the good times.

  2. And I'm sure everyone who reads this will agree with your sentiments, DS. Thanks for commenting.


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