Monday 21 May 2018


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From LION & THUNDER, cover-dated November 6th 1971, comes a complete PHIL The FLUTER tale in only two pages.  Actually, the strip should more accurately be called 'Phil The Flautist', but it doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it?  Enjoy.


  1. Strange how the old memory works I thought this strip appeared in "Whizzer and Chips" or "Knockout" - saying that 1971 was about the time I stopped regularly buying UK comics so that probably accounts for the error in my knowledge. Strange this strip (to me at least) now looks interesting and fresh but in 1971 for me was old hat and boring unlike US comics of the time, how times have changed. Still nice art as always by Tom Kerr.

  2. Phil the Fluter first appeared in Thunder, PM, which was then subsumed by Lion, hence the strip transferring to there. Thunder only lasted 22 issues, alas. I thought it was a great wee comic.

  3. Ahhh that will be the reason for my mix up I really liked Thunder as well and used to get it regularly.

  4. I only need around half a dozen issues to complete the set. One day.


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