Thursday, 19 April 2018


Just time for a quick post to show off a couple of recent eBay acquisitions - two of the four little plastic THUNDERBIRDS craft given away free (and separately) with KELLOGG'S SUGAR SMACKS in the '60s.  Had them back in the day, have them once more -  I'm a very happy chappie.  (I'll no doubt track down the other two some day.)  Bring back any memories for anyone?  Feel free to share with your fellow Criv-ites.


  1. Although never a huge Thunderbirds fan, I always liked the look of Thunderbird 2. Something about the whale-like shape appealed to me, and the fact it was the same shade of green that the local council painted all the railings, gates, radiators and anything else in my school that would take a coat of paint made it feel somehow familiar and welcoming.

  2. Although the craft have been updated in later TV and movie incarnations (mainly for merchandise reasons), I don't think the original designs have ever really been improved on, DS. TB2 is certainly a classic.

  3. Those are in mighty fine shape, aren't they?

    The thing i enjoyed most didn't come from inside the cereal box - it was those old records that were printed on thin plastic that was mounted on the cardboard for us to cut out and drop on the turntable. (usually with a coin to weigh it down)
    That likely triggered my fondness for old Archies songs.

  4. I remember them. I have a few Readers's Digest flexi-records and ones from magazines, and, I think, one from the back of a cereal packet - but I can't remember what (or where) it is. As for the TB toys, the right wing angles upwards slightly on TB2, but it's obvious it came out of the mould that way. Truth to tell, it's not terribly symmetrical, but for such a tiny toy, it's not bad at all.

  5. I've got the TB4 and a TB2 but minus the rear aerofoil. Didn't have them as a kid but did risk diabetes collecting the cut out figures. Have got a full set of the plastic figures from Kellogg's

  6. I don't have any of the Kellogg's Thunderbirds figures, AK, and can't recall if I had any back in the day (though the Parker figure seems familiar). I may start acquiring them once I have a TB1 & TB3 under my belt. I DO have the TB figures (as well as the vehicles) which were enclosed in little plastic containers available a few years ago from slot-type machines in supermarkets, and they're very nice, but nothing quite matches things that were around in one's childhood.


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