Monday 18 December 2017


Images copyright REBELLION

I've shown these comic strip images before, but there's a couple of good reasons why I'm repeating them.  Firstly, it's the run-up to Christmas, and secondly, I own the original art to one of the interior pages.  Namely, court jester STEADFAST McSTAUNCH (who used to be a dog in the original KNOCK-OUT, drawn by the same artist), and who, along with HARRY'S HAUNTED HOUSE, GINGER'S TUM and ODDBALL, were my three favourite strips in the comic.  So enjoy looking back to 1969 (whether you were around at the time or not) and then savour the art of DENIS GIFFORD - panel-by-panel - of the last of Steadfast's continuing weekly adventures before he became a presenter of jokes and puzzles in the very next issue.  I was disappointed to see his strip disappear at the time, and I'm surprised to be reminded that his quest lasted for only 11 issues.  It seemed much longer than that to me back then, but when you're young, time seems to pass slower, doesn't it?

More Christmas images soon, Criv-ite chums. 

Yeah, yeah, I know I've shown the following panels before as well, but that was a good while back.  It doesn't hurt to remind you that this blog has occasionally featured some great stuff amongst the dross.  Good ol' Steadfast - he was one of my childhood chums.


  1. Great inks on Steadfast McStaunch, I have to say.

  2. I always used to think that the black areas had to be a deep black to reproduce properly (that was before I'd seen any original art apart from my own), so it surprised me to eventually learn that blacks were very often varied in their application, without the 'deepness' I'd imagined.


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