Saturday 9 December 2017


Images copyright DC COMICS

DC COMICS are producing some nice softcover collections of JACK KIRBY classics at the moment, very much in the mode of MARVEL's EPIC volumes.  The current ones I'm aware of ('cos I have 'em) are CHALLENGERS Of The UNKNOWN, MISTER MIRACLE, and The DEMON, but there may be others and there's certainly bound to be more to come.  Well worth having if you're a Kirby fan.

Oddly, this scan's yellow isn't reproducing properly, so you'll have to imagine how it should be


  1. I've got the Demon & Mr. Miracle books. Might get the Challs. Only read three of the Kirby stories. They have a gaudy, Pop Art look that's more Marvel than DC to my old eyes.

  2. The Challs one is worth having, Dougie, for the Wally Wood-inked strips. Kirby art at its best.

  3. If you passed by the blog in August, or stopped by the Visions section of the Kirby Museum, you know how i feel about The King.
    I haven't been picking up any of these, however - been digging back through the originals instead. But, i do admire that, from what i've seen peeking out of the cave, DC seems to have put some actual effort into commemorating Kirby's 100th. Especially compared to Marvel's anemic display of love for a man that helped make them what they were.
    (Possibly too embarrassed to look back and see how far they've fallen?)

    Anyway - the big question for me becomes... Do these prestige collections feature any new/background material, or are they simply nicely formatted reprints?

  4. I think Marvel celebrated Kirby pretty well, 3. They released a dozen reprints of Kirby comics (or should that be komics?), plus had alternate covers by him on quite a number of issues. Also, they already publish Epic and Omnibus editions of his work, so they've never really stopped celebrating him (as well as other creators).

    So far, the DC volumes are just softcover repackages of previously released material from over the years.

  5. Glad to hear it. As noted, i really don't see much of the current comics published, and the last i glanced at Marvel's Kirby celebration was earlier in the year and nothing caught my eye.
    I'll have to go find out what an Epic edition is. I'm pretty sure it's not related to Marvel's old Epic Illustrated magazine, but that's the only connotation that's linked to the word in my mental concordance.

  6. The Epic books are more or less the template for the DC Kirby books - you'll see some of them on the blog if you type Epic into the search box. They replaced the softcover Masterworks editions and contain almost 3 Masterworks volumes in one.

  7. I have already gotten the Mister Miracle volume and the Challengers tome. I have not yet plunked down the change for the Demon, but it's a matter of time as I keep looking at it with a lustful eye.

    Rip Off

  8. All 16 issues under one cover, RJ - what more could a Kirby fan like yourself want? You'll love it!


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