Friday 15 December 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Well, okay... I'm cheating a little.  However, the above pin-up was the back cover of The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL #15 back in 1973, so it qualifies under the description because of that.  I've also included the JIM STARLIN front cover (below) just so you don't feel shortchanged.  (And yes, you're right - that SPIDEY drawing does looks as if it might be a ROMITA patch.  If so, that's three artists for the price of one (not counting the inkers), so whatcha all complaining about?

Incidentally, the Saturday this comic came out (January 6th, the cover's dated a week ahead) was the day we got our first dog, PRINCE.


  1. That Submariner back cover was actually a re-purposed pin-up from Fantastic Four #11.

  2. Yup, knew that, 3. See my post 'A Fishy Tale Of Four Subs...'.


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