Sunday 24 December 2017


A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all Criv-ites.


  1. Merry Christmas Kid, have a nice, relaxing time over the festive period.

  2. You too Kid, Have a great Christmas and all the very best for 2018.

  3. Thanks, DS and W - hope Santa is good to you both.

  4. Have a good one, Kid. Merry Christmas.

  5. A Merry christmas too all.

    I have a pile of presents this year,they all look like books!

  6. Thanks, WJB - and to you and yours too.


    Hope they're not overdue library books, Baab. Think of the fines.

  7. I just had some mulled wine - yes, it's past midnight but it's Christmas so it's allowed. And tomorrow morning I get to scoff my Lindt chocolate Santa - he's been on display in my kitchen since late November but tomorrow it's curtains for him. As it's now officially Christmas Day I'll say Merry Christmas again :)

  8. And Merry Christmas to you once again, CJ. Wish I had a chocolate Santa to scoff. Just watched the 1973 Christmas edition of TOTP - my, it seems like only yesterday since I first saw it back in '73.

  9. Same, have a good one Kid!


  10. You too, T. It would be good if we had at least as many Christmases ahead of us as we have behind us, eh?

  11. Merry Christmas to you too sir.

    Rip Off

  12. And the same again right back atcha, Rip.

  13. Hi Kid. Just wanted to drop by and say all the best for Christmas and 2018. Take care fella, Tony K :)

  14. And you, TK. Hope Santa was good to you.

  15. Thank you for all your hard work scanning comics like this. It must take you AGES and cost you so much money out of your own hard earned cash to buy the old comics to show us.

  16. And the winner of this year's award for 'barely concealed sarcasm' goes to...

    Actually, you're right. The vast majority of comics shown on this blog come from my own collection and were bought from the immense wages I earned when I was a freelancer for IPC, Marvel and others, or from a time that predates my comics career. Some are gifts from friends, some are from data disc of comics I own, but are not handy to scan. A few come from various sources on the Internet - which is, I believe, what it's there for.

    There are many other blogs who almost exclusively use images from the Internet - apparently it's quite a common practise - so it's interesting that you choose MY blog to cast aspersions on ('cos let's be honest, you don't actually know where any of my images come from). The fact that you're so obsessed with me and my blog to the extent that you'd take the time to submit a comment is a huge clue as to your identity.

    Anyway, you've provided me with a laugh (though sadly it's at your expense), so Merry Christmas anyway.


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