Thursday 7 December 2017


Single frame from WINKER WATSON - The DANDY Annual 2004

Received a Christmas card from comics legend TERRY BAVE and his wife SHIELA this morning.  It's great to be so honoured by someone whose work I was reading and enjoying as a kid, from the glory days of WHAM!, SMASH!, WHIZZER & CHIPS, COR!!, KNOCKOUT, SHIVER & SHAKE, MONSTER FUN, and many more comic publications.  It was a thrill when I got to letter some of Terry's pages back in my freelancing days - and it's still a thrill when I think about it today.  Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year (when it comes) to two sterling stalwarts of some of Britain's finest comic periodicals.


  1. I decided to finally sign in to iplayer so I can watch things like the Xmas day Dr Who (I never watch TV just iplayer). I'd registered with iplayer radio back in July but I completely forgot the password to my BBC account so I had to go through the palaver of creating a new password - never mind, all done now. Yes, Christmas is coming! By the way, Kid, did you make any more Christmas cards using old photos ?

  2. I did indeed, CJ, and have already sent some. Somewhere on the blog is a photo from around 25 years ago of me sledging down a hill with my dog Zara in hot pursuit - I made a card using that photo. What'll you do if/when the BBC make iplayer accessible only to TV license holders?

  3. Kid, I've got a TV licence already. I buy one every May.

  4. So why do you never watch TV, CJ? Or is it that viewers already need a licence (or license - whichever) to watch iplayer? (You can see I've got my finger on the pulse, eh?)

  5. Yes, you need to buy a licence if you use iplayer.

  6. Ah, right. Well that explains that then. I really should pay more attention, eh?


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