Wednesday 13 December 2017


Con men appear to be getting either more inventive or desperate in their attempts to separate people from their cash.  Here's one of their most recent emails to me (and no doubt countless others), allegedly from someone they must believe has far more credibility than he actually possesses.  Would you ever fall for such a scam?

United States President Office
The White House
Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20500, United States.

*************24 HRS SERVICE ***************

Your ATM Visa Card Will Be Shipped Through DHL To Your Address:

Dear Beneficiary,

I am Mr. Donald John Trump, the newly President-elect of the United States. You will get more information about me here: Trump

This is to inform you officially that after our investigations with the Federal Bureau of Investigation {FBI}, Central Intelligence Agency {CIA} and other Security Agencies in the country for the year 2017, we discovered that you have not receive your Outstanding Compensation Payments valued $10.5 Million, I Just received an urgent email from Mr. Mike Parra, the Dispatch Director of DHL Couriers Express that your ATM VISA Card worth $10.5 Million Dollars which I sent to you from The White House has been returned back to my office due to wrong address provided, I advise you to reconfirm Your Full Name, your Correct House Address, Phone Number, Occupation and Age to enable me resend the compensation ATM Visa Card to you immediately.

I have your file here in my office and it says that you are yet to receive your fund valued at US$10,500,000.00 (Ten Million Five hundred thousand Dollars).This Funds will now be delivered to you Via ATM VISA Card or your preferred payment option. Note that your loaded ATM VISA Card will be mailed to you through Priority Mail Express (DHL) to your designated address address immediately you admit full compliance to this email. You are advised to kindly reply this email with the above details to help ensure safe mailing of your ATM Visa Card:

As soon as the above mentioned details are received, your ATM Visa Card worth $10.5 Million USD will be delivered to your house address without any further delay, I am very sorry for the delay you have gone through in the past years. Thanks for adhering to this instruction and once again accept my congratulations in advance.

Thanks for your co-operation as I wait to hear from you.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Donald John Trump.
President of the United States of America.


  1. Ha! That's brilliant.
    Well, it must work or they wouldn't do it.

  2. Well, I suppose they won't know if it works until they try it, PD, but who'd be so stupid as to fall for it? They need a good slap.

  3. Plot Twist - it turns out that it's actually him running the scam.

    My understanding is that those emails typically have a lot of grammar and spelling errors to help weed out everyone who isn't stupid enough to pursue it further, to cut down on the amount of time they waste on potential victims. It says a lot that they still keep making money.

  4. It's amazing that anyone - even fools - would fall for it. I wonder if anyone would buy my big bridge in San Francisco?

  5. Both the Golden Gate and the Brooklyn Bridge, as well as Tower Bridge, have been "sold" many times over the years. Some are even dumb enough to buy Tower Bridge with the wrong name on it.

    Mass email just makes it easier to find the .0001% of the population that might fall for it with a lot less effort. Even if you throw 3 more naughts in there, it's still a lot of people when multiplied by billions.

  6. What a positive, reasonable and courteous email from President Trump. Which are three pretty obvious signs that its a fake.

  7. Would that .0001% even know how to read though, 3? Or operate a computer even? It's frightening to think that there's anyone dumb enough to fall for such tosh. Anyway, gotta get that cheque written to send my processing fee for the 4 million quid a Nigerian Prince says he wants to give me.


    The poor spelling and bad grammar were a nice touch I thought, DS. Almost made it seem believable.

  8. Fake news! Sad! You are all pathetic losers! Besides you got the return address wrong, It's sent to Phil care of the Kid.

  9. Y'know - I went digging through my spam folder to see if i got a letter from the President. Best i got was a Senator.
    From Nigeria.

    Now i feel kind of cheated.

  10. To be honest, PS, I prefer send to Kid care of the Kid. (So I'm greedy - sue me.)


    I get loads of those type of emails, 3. Just deleted one from my spam folder.


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