Thursday 30 November 2017


Now that's what I call a car!  Impressive, eh?

A friend and myself had been planning to go and see the 'original' BATMOBILE at Glasgow's Riverside Museum next week, but on a spur-of-the-moment decision we shot in yesterday afternoon to view the classic car from the '60s TV show.  Well, to be more accurate, it was a replica car we saw, but it was still quite impressive, as you can see by the photos.  And yes, that heroic, handsome manly-man in the last photo is none other than yours truly.  Someone give him a TV show - the women of the world deserve it.

(Click on images to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.  The last three only enlarge once.)

Here's my pal, trying to look as if he's leaning on the car

I'm sure I saw the Joker prowling about.  Hope the keys aren't handy

Who wouldn't like this car sitting out in the driveway, eh?

I wonder if the parachutes actually work?

Check out the interior - but what do B & R do when it rains?  (Get wet)

Same again from the driver's side

Oh, look - the Bat-Signal.  That can mean only one thing...

...yup, the Dynamic Duo (or not-so-close facsimiles) are bound to show

Say what you like - I think I cut more of a dash than the above pair


  1. Going to have to see you in the tights before i offer an opinion on the subject.

    You've got a much nicer presentation going on than when i was able to check out the old Batmobile. That was at an outdoor traveling convention display ages ago, in the previous century. It looks much nicer on display there.

  2. Tights? Never! For Gal's eyes only. Everything looks much nicer in Glasgow, 3.

  3. Time to roll out the annual Jim Reeves Christmas songs, Kid :)

  4. What? You mean you haven't bought the CD yet, CJ?

  5. Well you got to see the best Bat mobile of all.. Lucky Bugger!!!!!!

  6. Yeah, it's a real beauty, LH. "Turbines to speed..."


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