Monday 27 November 2017


A dozen or so years ago, I got this photo taken when CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG was in town.  (Unfortunately, TRULY SCRUMPTIOUS was nowhere to be seen.)  The pic hangs on my wall and allows me to admire that sleek, glorious, thoroughbred - that paragon of perfection - me!  (And the car ain't too bad looking either.)


  1. It was a great car.. Wonder where it is now...

  2. I might be misremembering, LH, but I think there were 6 cars used in the movie, but only two were roadworthy. Pierre Picton, a driver in the film, bought one of them and owned it for nearly 40 years, before it was sold to someone in America. The other roadworthy vehicle is owned by someone in England I believe. There are various replicas, and that's one of them in the photo - though the handbrake came from one of the cars used in the movie. The license plate is GEN 22, whereas the original's is GEN 11.

  3. I doubt Truly Scrumptious will making an appearance because now being age 87 she's probably in a retirement home.

  4. No bother to me, LH - I just jump into my time machine and go back and see her when she was young. (Is it time for my medicine yet?)

  5. Hey there Professor Karaktakas there's a guy on eBay selling Smash! 16 18 & 19 for $ postage $45us. Great deal. Shame I already have them.. Lol

  6. I've got them as well, LH - in my Odhams Press hardbound file copies of the first year's worth. (Well, almost. For some strange reason, they bound them 50 issues per volume. I've got the first two volumes, plus spare loose copies of various issues.)

  7. You would have the best issues. I gave Smash! Away around no 85 mainly because my favourite strip disappeared at issue 75 and from then on it failed to grab my interest.

  8. I think I've got most of the original Smash! - plus a complete set of the revamped Smash! from 1969. I've also got all the Annuals and Summer Specials.

  9. A lovely shot that Kid! I'm not sure if I've ever seen Chitty. I once visited Cars of the Stars in Keswick but I just can't recall if Chitty was there. Its a fab car and I adored my die-cast version in the Sixties. I can still feel the little bit of umpf needed to press down the lever at the side of the toy near the footplate. What did that lever do?

  10. The lever released the wings at the side of the car. I've got three Corgi versions of the car - an original '60s one, a '90s reissue, and a later Corgi version which didn't do as much (you had to pull the wings out) and only had the Potts figure. Oh, and I've also got three Corgi Juniors, plus a large plastic version over a foot long. Type the name of the car into my blog's search box and you should see other photos taken of the car in my home town, as well as the toys.


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