Tuesday 7 November 2017


Why're you dressed like that, GAL?  Don't
you know Hallowe'en is past?  What's that?  It's
your WONDER WOMAN costume?  Listen, luv,
nobody's ever gonna wonder if you're a woman -
 there's not the least bit of doubt about it.


  1. I haven't seen the film but I recently bought the DVD of 'Wonder Woman' which I'm saving to watch nearer Christmas.

  2. Haven't seen it either, CJ, but I'm absolutely in love with Gal Gadot. (Who isn't?!)

  3. The Wonder Woman film is OK, no better or worse than most superhero movies. Of course, I had to go see it, and I will have to go see Justice League, because Gal. The things we do for love.

    I am taking lessons to learn to say "I would drink your bath water" in Hebrew.

    Gal is so awesome, she has awesomeness that she has not even used yet.

  4. It's great, you'll love it. DC make a decent movie - who woulda' thunk?

  5. She's an awesome (wondrous even) babe and no mistake, TC. (But remember she's MINE.)


    Yeah, the first Superman ('78) and some of the Batman movies aside, they haven't had a great track record, PD.


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