Friday 17 November 2017


Meant to post this a couple of hours or so back, but fell asleep.  It's a Christmas card I made at the suggestion of regular reader CJ, after I showed a photo of my dog Zara in the previous post, taken around 1987 or '88.  Thanks to the wonders of modern technology (namely an Epson printer and Wordpad), I 'created' this in about 10 or 15 minutes - and that includes the printing, cutting, folding, and placing the message inside.  I think it looks great and will be making some more to send out this Christmas.  What do you think, readers?

Update:  I've changed the layout of the greeting, which you can see below.


  1. Ah, good. Nice and subtle, befitting the image.
    Too many here would have included an exhortation to "Have A Barking Good Holiday" or some such.

    Well done. I suspect it will be most graciously received.

  2. Thanks, 3. I've got a few other 'Christmassy' images that I could turn into cards, so I'm looking forward to getting stuck into the task. Makes cards a bit more personal, doesn't it?

  3. Looks fantastic - it's not often I have a good idea :)

  4. I think I'll redo the greeting inside. Same words, just laid out better.

  5. It should say "from Kid" - who's this Gordon fella ?

    But seriously, the greeting looks fine!

  6. Some WILL say 'from Kid', CJ. Just depends who they're for. I've added the amended greeting to the post, so take a look. I think it's a far better layout.

  7. Colin - obviously Sara is a cross-dresser. Gordon is her name when she's not wearing that beautiful fur.

  8. Dunno who this Sara is, but Zara would've had her for breakfast. Must admit, while getting dressed on a cold Winter's morning, I can get a bit cross at having to get up out of my cosy scratcher.

  9. I should look closer; thought i typed Zara.
    As you might have guessed from the comment, it was before first cuppa. I'll be sure to get her name right next time.

  10. If I were ever to get another dog (unlikely), I'd call her either Sara or Kara, so you were nearly right.

  11. You saw my blog yesterday. You know where my vote goes.
    I understand the disinclination in that regard. Much as i may have loved previous dogs, a new pet seems almost unimaginable at this point. And, frankly - I don't think i'd make a very good keeper these days. Way too many people get pets and then make them miserable by not taking proper care - physically, emotionally, or both. I don't want to be one of them.

  12. The other thing is that, as one's life seems to go quicker the older one gets, having a dog now that lives for perhaps 12 years would go by in no time. Zara lived a year longer than her predecessor, Tara, but it seemed to go by in half the time. 11 and a half years from the age of 16 to 27 plus, to me seemed a lot longer than the 12 and a half years from 27 plus to 40, which I turned 2 weeks before Zara's end.

    What I'm saying is that having a dog now would be a very quick means of measuring my life winding down.


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