Friday 6 October 2017


PHILIP MARSHALL lived four rows away from me in the '60s and early '70s and inherited the mantle of superhero sidekick to yours truly after his predecessor, JOHN FIDLER, hung up his cape and domino mask when we retired our well-worn BATMAN and ROBIN identities.  (If you're wondering what I'm on about, see here.)  Philip was even more enthusiastic about costuming-up than John had been, so we became POWER MAN and WONDER MAN, and ran about our neighbourhood totally oblivious to how ridiculous we must've looked.  However, that's perhaps a tale for another time, as our alter-egos aren't really relevant in this rambling reminiscence.  Philip is though.

It was on or around the occasion of my birthday, perhaps my 9th or 10th.  I had money to spend and I spent it in my local WOOLWORTH'S, buying a MATCHBOX VOLKSWAGON 1600 TL, a Table Tennis (Ping Pong) set, and, I think, two wooden tops (which were a second pair, having acquired the previous ones back around 1963).  The tops may've been bought on another day, but for some reason I associate them with the other two items, so then again, maybe not.  I'd bought the car because it was red, my favourite colour, and at some stage down the line (months at least, at a guess), Philip Marshall asked me if he could borrow it to play with for a while.

Eventually, I realised that he'd had it for quite some time (weeks at least), and remember chapping his door to ask for it back.  I probably had to do it more than once because he claimed he'd forgotten where it was, but, strangely, I'm now uncertain as to whether I ever actually ever got it back or not*.  Well, it may've taken me nearly 50 years, but I recently took possession of a replacement for my beloved and never-forgotten little red car (with opening doors), which you see in the photo that opens this post.  The car and box cost me less than a tenner (not counting p&p) on eBay, though pristine examples can go for as high as £50 or more.

So that's one more childhood item re-acquired before I fall off the twig.  What will I turn my sights on next?  Whatever it is, you'll no doubt read about it here on CRIVENS!  I can stand it if you can.


*Since first posting this, a dim remembrance of getting the car back again from Philip has resurfaced.  I seem to recall that one of the doors (maybe even both) were missing, which annoyed me greatly.  Why can't people look after things that don't belong to them?


  1. I'd want only the ORIGINAL car back, not a replacement.

  2. As I've explained to you many times before, CJ, in some magical, mysterious way, the replacement BECOMES the original. And besides, the 'original' no longer exists, doubtless having been melted down into slag decades ago.

  3. Well, e-bay is very popular, Kid, so people agree with you rather than me :)

  4. I think most people would agree with YOU that having the original is preferable, CJ, but as that option is usually NOT possible, a replacement is the only alternative to having nothing at all.


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