Monday 18 September 2017


Remember the biscuit tin I showed you several posts back?  Something I didn't realise until only recently is that there was another tin featuring the same boy and his dog.  This has no nostalgic associations for me, but I may, eventually, decide to get one - just for the sake of completion.  I wonder if there were any other tins with this pair on them - any readers know?  Perhaps it's my imagination, but I think the lad looks a little bit like I did around that age, though I'd never be caught dead wearing that outfit of his.  It may look all right on Oor WULLIE, but there's something decidedly 'feminist' about it.  Anyone else collect biscuit tins?

Update:  Found another two on eBay, pictures below.  Haven't bought any of these three yet, but may do one day if I see them cheap enough - just to have the full set. 


  1. You don't really think of biscuit tins as collectables. I just see it as back in the 60s visitng grandma and out comes the tin with the Queens coronation on the lid and my interest directed at whats in it. Interesting

  2. I've bought a few NEW tins over the years, for their contents and because I've liked the pictures on the lids (The Snowman for example), but I've never bought an old one before - until recently. And that was simply because I remembered it from my childhood and teenage years and wanted it back again. Surprisingly, there's quite a market for them.


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