Monday 4 September 2017



Here you are, peeps - part two of our superb TORNADO cover gallery, IPC's weekly comic from 1979 that only lasted for a mere 22 issues before being merged into 2000 A.D.  The only strips to carry over into the combined comic were The MIND Of WOLFIE SMITH, BLACKHAWK, and one-page humour strip CAPTAIN KLEP.  My favourite strip was VICTOR DRAGO, based very much on SEXTON BLAKE, but the artwork was nicely atmospheric.  Did you have a favourite character in this short-lived comic, readers?  Then tell all in the comments section.   

The ed slipped up here - it's 'baloney', not 'boloney'

'Special news inside for all our readers!' was Tornado's
version of the classic 'Great news inside, chums!' line

And below is an ad from another IPC comic, heralding the forthcoming release of the first issue of Tornado in 1979.


  1. Hey Kid maybe my sense of humour was off it's just that cover at the top looks like that louie theroux fella!


  2. Aha, so that was you, was it? I didn't publish your previous comment, T, because you hadn't 'signed' it and I don't publish comments without a name. (Can't stand Louie Theroux by the way.)

  3. I've still got every issue in a bag somewhere, minus the pages which made a giant poster of soldiers through the ages.
    There was some lovely Bellardineli art in there, if I recall, as well as some silliness by Kevin ONeil.
    Wonder if anyone won the writing competitions in the end.

  4. Must've done, surely. It'd be illegal for a publisher to hold a contest and then not award the prize to someone. Unless there were no entries of course.


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