Monday 11 September 2017


LEN WEIN, the co-creator of SWAMP THING and WOLVERINE, passed away on Sunday, alas.  Yet another of the greats gone to that comicbook contributors club in the sky (where he's doubtless catching up with his old friend and collaborator BERNIE WRIGHTSON).  His work shall live on. 


  1. Wein headlined one of my favourite ever comics, the 100 page JLA 110. Len also was editor to some of my favourite DC comics of the 80s and unleashed Bolland and Moore et al on the US market. Of course he made other impacts, including an interesting monster with Wrightson and a new bunch of heroes with Cockrum but my memory is so hazy I can't remember which ones!!!!!
    Goodbye Len, thanks for the great childhood and adolescent memories

  2. I'm glad he got to do a 6 part Swamp Thing series a year or two ago - it was nice to see him back on the character he'd co-created. Back in the mid-'70s, he did a 4 part Thor story - The Time Twisters - and it was a classic I've never forgotten. He did so much - a fact for which all true comicbook fans who read his work are grateful.

  3. Wein did in fact write those JLA JSA issue 100 crossover stories. Some of my favorites. Sad day.

  4. And he was still relatively young - a sad day indeed.

  5. Sad news - I hadn't quite realised til I read some online obituaries just how many comics I loved while growing up had the name Len Wein in the credits.


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