Saturday 9 September 2017


Just dug out my Danbury Mint ASTON MARTIN D.B.5 from storage and snapped a quick couple of photos to show all you panting Criv-ites.  The ejector seat (which works) is lying upended inside the car, and there's a bit of tape on the roof to keep the hatch in place, but you can see what a beauty it is.  One day, when I have more time, I'll put the seat in place and remove the tape, then take some photos from different angles to give you a better look.

With the right background and a decent photographer, this would look like a real car - it's incredibly accurate, with opening doors, bonnet and boot, and other features. (The over-riders extend, the rear lights pull down to reveal the oil dispensers, the tyre-slashers pull out, the number plates revolve, the petrol cap covers open, the bulletproof shield pops up, and lots of other stuff.)   Next time I'll show you the engine.

The JAMES BOND 007 figure is by CORGI and completes the display nicely. 


  1. Got to give you top marks .Its in great condition. You looked after it... Much better than my Corgi version. I like The Connery Statuette ..

  2. It's a great model, LH. It must be around 8 or 9 inches long (boasting again). It's not a toy, so it doesn't usually get out of its display case - hence it's good condition.

  3. Ah, I have one of those myself. At the time, I could barely afford to buy it but I knew I couldn't afford to NOT have it.

    It really is a thing of beauty. Guaranteed to make people grow misty-eyed when they see it on the shelf - particularly men who owned the Corgi Toys DB5 model back in the '60s and '70s.

  4. Yeah, it's a belter. PG. I've got a larger version by another company, which I'll show at some point. In fact, I've got quite a few in different scales. It's a superb-looking car.

  5. Looking forward to seeing them.!!!

  6. So am I, LH. Wish I could remember where I put half of them. 'Twill come to pass.


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