Friday 15 September 2017


BATMAN and related images copyright DC COMICS

Looked out of my bedroom window just a short while ago, and there was the Batmobile with BATMAN and ROBIN on the street below.  They were both staring up at the sky and seemingly in the grip of some kind of hypnotic trance, but it wore off in a few moments and then they were on their way.  Could they have been smoking a couple of joints?  Nah, the Caped Crusaders don't go in for things like that - shame on you!

Yes, I'm havering again.  This great bat-item by FUNKO is on sale in selected shops now!  Get one while you can. 


  1. You have now given me the incentive to dig out the box containing my collection of Dinky and Corgi toys from 50 years back. Some I forgot I had.

  2. LH, if they're in boxed, pristine condition, then you don't want them anymore - send them to me.

    My collection of Corgi and Dinky toys are replacements, as I didn't keep my originals from when I was a kid. Off the top of my head, the only originals I have are a Wade Yogi Bear, a Marx Thunderbolt Palomino, and a Tonibell Miniball. Having said that, I've now had my replacement toys far longer than I ever had my originals.

  3. Mine are originals all from the 60s..meaning the boxes have started to decompose from old age and silverfish...So far I have pulled out The Avengers set The Green Hornets Black Beauty and the Batmobile with its Bat Boat.. All those years ago

  4. That's three I never had - not new anyway. There's a slight possibility I may have had the Bat-Boat 2nd-hand from a jumble sale, as I seem to recall playing with it in the sink. However, maybe that's more imagination than memory. What kind of condition are the toys themselves, LH?

  5. To me they are still in great shape... No wheels missing or anything like that...Even the Mrs Peel statuette is still with her white lotus..I will take a photo of the lot at some stage.

  6. Look after them, LH. Remember, that's your childhood in these diecast treasures. Incidentally, you can buy repro boxes for most of these items nowadays, just in case you decide to put them in a display case and gaze lovingly at them.

  7. I am lucky I still have them...Its only because I threatened my mother with genocide if she sold them ..gave them away ..or donated them to a jumble sale like she did to my Smash and Wham comic collection without my knowledge..." On I did not think you would want them anymore "

  8. I think it would've been more effective to threaten your mother with matricide, LH, but I get your point. Parents are infamous for deciding when the childhood of their offspring ends - and getting it wrong. Could you imagine the fuss they'd make if we gave something of theirs away and then said "I didn't think you'd want it anymore"? (Or "You're too old for all that stuff now.")


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