Saturday 26 August 2017


In my blog list is a blog called OPOBS (or opobs - lower case - to be exact), run by a fellow called MIKE.  He's been kind enough to comment a few times, and I've likewise left a few comments on his site.  Mike's blog hasn't had any new posts for some months, though one appeared recently to explain his inactivity.  Alas, Mike has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and, unfortunately, nothing can be done as he had a violent reaction to chemotherapy and he's decided to accept whatever time is left to him without trying to prolong it.

It strikes me that Mike might appreciate people visiting his blog and wishing him the best, letting him know that, even though they might not know him, he's in their thoughts and prayers at this trying time.  Why not take a moment to leap over to his site (here) and say something nice to a chap who must be feeling pretty low, though I'm sure he's doing his best to keep a stiff upper lip in the best British tradition.  Go on, reach out to a stranger who's in a bad spot and let him know you're touched by his plight.  (Remember, a stranger's just a friend you do not know.)


Update: Sadly, Mike passed away on October 23rd 2017.


  1. Poor guy...terrible for him...Well I just gave him my best... hope some others follow.

  2. Thanks, LH. I just thought it might be a comfort (small as it may be given the circumstances) to know that people he's never even met extend their best wishes to him.

  3. Thanks Kid, really touched by this page on your blog, have had to wipe my eyes before continuing to type. I am trying to remain positive, I've suspected for some while that I was ill, the results of the test were not a shock so much as the timescale for the progress of the illness. The chemotherapy was only likely to give me an extra 8 to 10 weeks anyway so the hassle of that is no loss. Stay tuned to my blog, there may yet be more tales to tell!

  4. Thanks, Mike. We're all rooting for you, so hopefully all that positive energy aimed in your direction will help at least a little. And I'll be keeping my eyes on your blog for tales to come, rest assured.

  5. What a wonderful gesture. Thank you Kid.

  6. And thank you for commenting, RA. I'm sure we all wish Mike the best.

  7. BTW I am one of the visitors referred to in Mike's blog of October 10 2011.

  8. Ah, so you're Mike's cousin. Have you visited him again since that day nearly six years ago? I hope you get to see him before too long.

  9. Kid, could you mention essential oils to him? Frankincense is the Superman of oils which has had some success with cancers. I'm just an average Joe not an expert but anyone can research them on the net, we use them all the time they work at the cellular level with so many benefits, just saying.


  10. Thanks, T, though I'm pretty certain that Mike will already be examining all the options for something that might help alleviate the pain of his condition. I'm sure he'll read your comment for himself anyway.


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