Sunday 6 August 2017


Had a delicious sausage roll the other day, which hit the spot nicely.  Where did I buy this meaty morsel you're no doubt wondering?  Why, GREGGS, of course.  If you're out at the shops today, then pop in and buy one and fill that empty space in your tummy.  You'll be glad you did - or my name isn't Handsome Gordie.  (Well, it is in my house.)


  1. The best sausage bread that I've ever eaten was at Jazz Fest in New Orleans. They have a booth there every of many great food booths....and I have to visit it at least once when I go. They also make crawfish bread that is mighty fine, too.

  2. I prefer the Co-op's. They have more ambience.

  3. Now there's a thing, G. Do they have sausage rolls in America? I'd imagine that 'sausage bread' is something else.


    Next time I'm in the Old Village quarter of my town, WJB, I'll give one a try. (That's where my nearest Co-op is.)

  4. I've never heard of sausage bread. Could be regional .sausage rolls are hard to find here

  5. I don't imagine you'll have Greggs either, PS. Did you ever visit one when you lived here?


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