Saturday 12 August 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

As I've 'regurgitated' the MARVEL posters from the '60s, thought I might as well go the whole hog and show again the '70s posters by sensational Spanish artist LOPEZ ESPI.  These six posters were available to U.K. readers through the British Marvel weeklies, but though I meant to send off for them, I never managed to get around to it.  Ironic, seeing as how I'd suggested to Marvel that they release these great images as a set of posters after seeing four of them in the form of mini-transfers, given away as a free gift in the U.K. AVENGERS #1.

(Why do we say 'free' gift?  Surely the definition of a 'gift' is that it's free?  I'll lie awake all night wondering about that now.)

Anyway, not many readers revisit old posts, so hopefully you'll all enjoy seeing these Marvel Masterpieces again.  I know I did!


  1. I remember these! Seeing them not owning them. I've always wondered who painted them.

  2. Quite stunning, PS, aren't they?


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