Thursday 3 August 2017


                                            If only we could hear sweet Nature's song,
                                            and did not stride the Earth with bloody sword,
                                            our future would be happy, loud and long,
                                            and we with our surroundings in accord.

                                            Then we would see the wonder of the world,
                                            enjoy the sights and sounds of Nature's gift.
                                            Or have these joys been selflessly unfurled
                                            on those who in their thankfulness show thrift?

                                            Mankind in blind contempt does cut a trail
                                            through all the riches that this globe bestows.
                                            As Nature does protest to no avail,
                                            proud man in folly shrugs with upturned nose.

                                            The truth is that it doesn't have to be;
                                            if only blinded humankind could see.

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