Wednesday 23 August 2017


Image copyright LUCASFILM/DISNEY

Back in May of 2015, I posted a cover gallery of MARVEL UK's monthly INDIANA JONES mag.  I'd just recently acquired a missing issue (#6), and also #11 (though I may have got that later), but I didn't yet own the Christmas Special.  I borrowed the image from eBay so that the gallery was complete, but it was only a couple of days ago that I was finally able to acquire my own copy - so here it is!

Although it was probably advertised in the monthly, I no longer remember if I knew about it back in 1984, but if I did, I'd forgotten all about it in the intervening years until I first saw a copy on eBay (which pre-dated the eBay image mentioned above). The fact that I didn't buy a copy back in 1984 means that I certainly never saw it in the shops, but now, nearly a whopping 33 years after the fact, I've rectified the oversight and now have a complete collection.  Let me tell you, it's a strange sensation to realise that so much time has elapsed, because it doesn't feel like anywhere near as long as that.

Because this Special belongs in 1984, I can practically 'see' it in the room of the house I lived in back then, with such clarity that it seems almost like a memory, rather than merely my imagination.  I took a look at my 2015 cover gallery before preparing this post, and when I saw the cover of the first issue, it was as if I was back in that room again, 'cos even after all this time, that's where I associate it with.  As I've said before with other mags, it's time travel, pure and simple.  If you'd like to see the other covers in the series, click on this link, and refresh your own memories of 1984 - if you were around back then, obviously, and buying this monthly mag.  (I've now replaced the borrowed image with the one above.)

Are there any missing issues from years ago in your collection that you plan on acquiring sometime to plug the gap?  If so, let's hear all about them in our captivating comments section, frantic ones, and what period of your life they represent to you.  Or feel free to tell your fellow Criv-ites how you felt when you previously acquired a long-missing issue.  Was it a satisfying sensation or a bit of an anti-climax?  The floor is now yours (if you want it).


  1. I don't collect comics so I'm not looking for any old issues but I've just finished reading an e-book called "The Solomon Kane Series" featuring all the Robert E.Howard stories which appeared in 'Weird Tales' magazine from 1928-1932. I remember Solomon Kane from the UK Savage Sword Of Conan monthly but it was so long ago I could barely recall anything about the character - I've really enjoyed catching up with Solomon Kane again !

  2. I read the Solomon Kane strips in The Super-Heroes (I think) back in the mid-'70s, and may have read the odd one in an issue or two of the US Marvel monthlies (and the UK ones also, if they were in there), but I've never read any of the actual 'text' stories, CJ. Must give them a go some time. I've enjoyed the REH Conan short stories I've read.


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