Monday 28 August 2017


Had JACK 'King' KIRBY still been with us, he'd have been celebrating his 100th Birthday today.  Well, in a big sense, he is still with us, and probably will be for at least another 100 years.  Happy Birthday, Jack.


  1. Happy Birthday Jack. Thanks for all the great work you gave us.

  2. Well said. Happy Birthday to the King!

  3. Imagine having to blow out 100 candles on a cake - bet he could've done it though.

  4. He was a comic legend and by all accounts quite a guy. I only met him twice at conventions and I really didn't have much of a conversation either time. I didn't know what to say. What can you ask the co creator of the Marvel universe and DC fourth world in fifteen seconds? I just have to say he was my favorite artist growing up and I would be a comic book fan if it wasn't for him. I liked Curt Swan and D.C. But Marvel's stuff was on another level.

  5. Agreed, a whole other level, PS. 15 seconds, eh? That's probably how long it took him to dream up about a dozen ideas.


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