Thursday 10 August 2017


LINDA THORSON stands beside the telephone,
trying to make up her mind whether to call me or not.
Yes, no, yes, no - she's doing her best to resist.  However,
so potent is my manly-man sex appeal, she's sure to cave
in and 'phone.  And there's my telephone ringing now -
what did I tell you?  She loves me to bits.


  1. It was a contractor trying to sell you a new boiler wasn't if

  2. Okay, I admit it - it was THAT time. But she rang me right after and wanted to know why my line was engaged. When I told her it was about my old boiler, she nearly hung up 'cos she thought I was saying I was married. She soon calmed down when I explained and she brought over a fish supper for me. (And to think that some people say I have no imagination.)


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