Sunday 2 July 2017


The best 'cliff-hanger' moment in DOCTOR WHO is probably the end of the initial episode of the first DALEKS serial in 1963.  (Which was actually episode five of the BBC's new teatime programme.)  The sight of a Dalek 'plunger' coming into view sent viewers into a frenzy of anticipation for what was to come next.  Just what was on the other end of that sucker arm?  I really can't recall any other moment in the show's history which matched that moment for making viewers determined to tune in for the next episode.  Until tonight that is.  (Though you might have to be around my age to feel that way.)

A while back, I suggested that the Beeb should make a series of Doctor Who starring DAVID BRADLEY as The Doctor.  David is a talented character actor who brought the late WILLIAM HARTNELL back to life in the 50th Anniversary programme, An ADVENTURE In SPACE And TIME in 2013, and now, by the looks of things, he's playing The Doctor himself.  This confirms the rumour that the 'original' Doctor was going to be the current (but departing) Doctor's companion in this year's upcoming Christmas special, but I still reckon the BBC should give David Bradley a series as the time-travelling Time Lord, or occasional specials at the very least.

Anyone agree?  Let's hear from you.


  1. I think the BBC missed a trick, during Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary year. I would have liked to have seen a one off series, and my wish list would have been that all the classic Doctor Who actors who are still with us, from Tom Baker through to Paul McGann had their own episode each with an overall story arc leading up to what became the 50th Anniversary special. I agree with you, a series featuring David Bradley as the First Doctor would be fantastic and perhaps the First Doctor could have a rematch against The Mondasian Cyberman.

  2. I'm hoping that Peter Capaldi's Doctor uses his regeneration energy to keep David Bradley's Doctor from regenerating into Patrick Troughton's, and the Beeb then give us more adventures of Bradley's/Hartnell's Doctor. (Of course that would lead to certain paradoxes, because if the first Doctor never transformed into the second, then there'd be no Capaldi Doctor (or any others in fact) to do what I just described. Pie in the sky of course, but a guy can dream. Thanks for commenting.

    1. The moment I saw this, I too, thought ( along similar lines to yourself ), "Now if only the present Doctor could prevent the Mondasian Cybermen from killing the first Doctor, then the new Doctor could actually BE the first Doctor!
      That's what I am wishing for, anyway!

  3. That would be a interesting paradox and Doctor Who has certainly had enough of them since the series started. I like you logic and it is certainly thought provoking, I do like a good paradox!!. I did hear whispers on another discussion board that the Beeb are looking to develop another spin off series, and more adventures of Bradley's Hartnell's Doctor would certainly work, perhaps they could call it "Doctor Who - The Original you could say"

  4. Another idea would be to re-create the missing episodes from Hartnell's time. In fact, re-shoot entire series that have missing episodes. However, that would just be a bonus - it's new adventures with the first Doctor that I'd love to see. Of course, Bradley is older than Hartnell was, but as Hartnell looked older than he actually was, that's not too much of a problem.

  5. How great would that be, especially The Daleks Master Plan. It would look amazing with today's modern special effects. I was born towards the end of the 60's and never discovered William Hartnell's Doctor until the era of Home Video's in the late 1980's and most of the 1990's (crikey I am showing my age) and having never seen the Hartnell episodes on their original transmission this would be a good way to see these fabled missing stories. Also it would be interesting to see how Bradley's first Doctor could take on some of the more recent adversaries including The Weeping Angels and The Clockwork Robots amongst others. Lets hope Kid that someone from the BBC Commissioning Department reads our posts and grants two long fan boys their wishes for this series to go ahead.....we can but dream!!

  6. And I plan on doing a lot of dreaming, believe me. Do you have the DVD of The Dalek Invasion of Earth TV serial? They did new special effects for it (though you could watch the episodes with the original effects if you preferred), but made to fit in perfectly with the '60s look. They based the Daleks' spaceship on the ones in the TV21 strip. Worth a look.

  7. I do have The Dalek Invasion of Earth on dvd, and I prefer to watch it with the new special effects, the old one's are severely showing their age. I am sure, that I am right in thinking that the Dalek spaceships shown in the modern series are similar to the ones shown as new special effects on this DVD. However, I do like the Dalek spaceship from the Peter Cushing film The Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD. I love the the two contra-rotating rings of windows. I will try and track down some copies of TV21 to take a look at their take on the Daleks.

  8. Yes, the spaceships in the new series have likewise been inspired by TV21. There are some Dalek pages on the blog somewhere, but I can't recall if they feature the spaceships or not. If you type Daleks into the search box on my home page, you should be able to see them.

  9. It was sad that Bill has left the series (I assume) as I liked her. I wonder when the Beeb will announce the name of the new Doctor ?

  10. I hope it's David Bradley, but whoever it is, the Beeb might keep it under wraps until closer the time (of the Christmas Special).

  11. You know, it wouldn't surprise me if the new Doctor was to be played by Michelle Gomez.

  12. It would surprise ME, 'Consumer' - I hope it ain't so.

  13. It's certainly what I'm wishing for, JP (the first Doctor being the new Doctor), but we need the Beeb to be as smart as us on this.

  14. Well, all we need is for Capaldi to wipe out the Mondasian Cybermen BEFORE the Tenth Planet happened. Then Capaldi could just fade from existence, leaving Bradley as the "proper" Doctor ( the first ! ) to continue from where the first series left off ( minus the Tenth Planet, of course! ) and, as you say, let's have those unseen stories, starting with "The Masters Of Luxor"!
    Sorted! - The next series!

  15. Thing is, if Capaldi faded from existence it would create a time paradox, because then he wouldn't be around to save the first Doctor, who'd then regenerate into the second, etc. What they need to do is allow the paradox indefinitely, then find a way to eventually reverse it to save the universe or something. (Because the paradox threatens reality if it's not eventually dealt with.) In the meantime though, we could have some great new first Doctor adventures.

    1. The Master created a Paradox defeating machine, when he sent the Toclefane back in the past to attack Earth, so he Capaldi could nip back, nab that and the job's a goodun!

  16. H'mm, I think that some sort of paradox would still rear its ugly head though. Time doesn't like being messed around with.


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