Friday 28 July 2017


Saw this on YouTube while looking for the DOCTOR WHO Christmas Trailer.  I offer it without comment for your consideration.  You can make up your own minds (and I'm sure you will).  Then feel free to share your thoughts on the matter with your fellow Crivvies.


  1. I don't agree with him 100%, but those lines speak for themselves. I knew NuWho was a bit 'right on' though I never watched it, but the sheer loathing dripping from those words, going all the way back from TV to actor to writer, genuinely shocks me. I can't see the 'fairness' or 'equality' or other noble ideals that these people might claim they're espousing with these quips. Just toxic contempt for the shape of half the world's chromosomes.

    And that turns the ideal into little more than bare-faced hypocrisy and tribalism. Those who fight monsters...

  2. I'd say he overstates the case with the General changing into a woman, because he's misunderstood the situation. Obviously she's been a woman in all her previous incarnations (confirmed by her saying 'only time I've ever been a man'), which is why she says 'back to normal', but her 'ego' quip, as if only men have egos, tends to confirm his basic premise. Also, Clara actually slapped the Doctor in one episode - can you imagine the stushie if that had happened in reverse? Seems it's okay for women to hit men. Well observed comment, WJB.


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