Sunday 9 July 2017


Images copyright DC COMICS

Here's a great book I got a few days ago - The SILVER AGE DOOM PATROL OMNIBUS.  Intrigued?  Then read the official spiel on the back of the dustjacket below, then race around to your neighbourhood comicbook shop and buy a copy.  You'll be glad you did, or my name isn't ARNOLD DRAKE.  (What's that?  My name isn't Arnold Drake?  Well, whaddya know?!  Never mind - you'll still be glad you did anyway.) 


  1. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING INDEED! -I heartily recommend this too, to all readers! The original Doom Patrol is a must if you like the original X-Men!

  2. I prefer the original X-Men to be honest, JP, but it's great to have the complete collection of the original Doom Patrol issues between the covers of one book. I'd guess it works out far less expensive than tracking down the individual comics.

  3. Philip Crawley13 July 2017 at 05:44

    Much as I'd love this collection it is a bit pricey for me. I have all of the stories in digital form (not the same I know) and used to have some of the original issues back in the day, alas lost in the mists of time. Also would have preferred some of the original art on the front, or one of the comic covers. Much as I like Bruce Timm's art I am becoming a bit tired of seeing it, or someone's working in the style of, slapped onto everything comic it seems. And when is the second Epic Collection of Silver Surfer tales (the John Buscema ones) going to see the light of day? The way it's going the format will go the way of the Masterworks (ie no longer published) before they get to it.

  4. I'd have liked to have seen this volume with some '60s art on the cover too, PC - I'm not quite sure what DC's thinking is here. As for the 2nd Epic collection of SS, couldn't say when it'll be available, but it's bound to be along eventually. Incidentally, it's only the softcover Masterworks that are no longer published, the hardbacks are still being produced. I have the original Masterwork volumes, but the art 'restoration' in places leaves a lot to be desired. (The later editions are perfect.) I've also got the Omnibus version, which is perfect, but they should have included the 'Tales of the Watcher' back-up stories in it.

  5. Philip Crawley14 July 2017 at 01:30

    Ah, interesting to know with the Masterworks. For some reason I formed the impressiona that they were no longer being printed, prehaps replaced by the Epics. Yeah, I much prefer the reproduction in the paperbacks than the harcovers. The ratio of the 40 or so volumes that I have is about two thirds HC and the rest Pb. The issues of the X-Men that Neal Adams worked on are particularly well served by the reproduction in the Pb edition with all of that fine linework faithfully captured. I have the second Silver Surfer volume and prefer the repro in that to the Barnes & Noble Pb edition I have of v1. Thought I'd add the Pb version (Marvel edition) of v1 but you should see the insanity in pricing on eBay, several listings at three figures! for the first vol in Pb. Hence my desire to acquire the Epic edition. Also appeals having all of the issues in one neat package too. Guess they'll get around to it eventually, they have left a gap in the numbering.

  6. The good thing about the softcover books is the paper, PC, being matt, instead of the shiny stuff they use on the Masterworks and Omnibus editions. It's interesting to ponder why the Epic books are published out of sequence; perhaps they think the ones they've issued first will sell better? Not quite sure.


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