Wednesday 14 June 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

The cover is misleading because none of these characters actually appear inside (that I can see), but it's nice to see yet another JACK KIRBY image on a contemporary comic.  I've read it and enjoyed it, and I'm betting you'll enjoy it too.  So get yourself around to your local comicbook store and pick up a copy of this great little mag for yourself today.


  1. The Defenders ??? Those are The Eternals !!

  2. Who DEFEND the Earth. Maybe it's just meant to be symbolic, or it's just an excuse to have a Kirby cover. Or maybe they're going to pop up in the series. I don't know.

  3. Is that who they are? I clicked on here and thought, "Who the feck are they?"!
    I suspect that this cover is actually a mistake!?

  4. The Kirby variants don't reflect what's in the comic but show seldom seen images . It's to do with the 100th anniversary. They do look very nice it must be said.

  5. I'd be surprised if a mistake of this magnitude could ever slip through the process, JP, so it's clearly meant to be as it is. However, they'll be some reason for it.


    Ta, Russell, that's what I suspected. JP will be glad of that because he likes to know what's what.

    1. Yep, cheers, Russell, I must say I did wonder how COULD they make a mistake that big, so it's good to know that they didn't!

  6. Yup, you can sleep easy now, JP. Everything is as it should be. (As far as that cover goes anyway.)

  7. One wonders why they didn't use of the actual Defenders. honestly though I don't know which Defenders it is now.

  8. Luke Cage, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist. Yeah. Go figure. Interesting though.

  9. Defenders, Eternals, yeah yeah yeah....sack the colourist! What a dark, muddy example of everything that's wrong with digital colouring.

  10. All the other ( main ) covers feature the Defenders. It's to tie in with the new new TV series in August.

  11. Might be your screen, BS - it looks fine on mine.


    There you go, peeps - Russell has explained the situation. If you buy the mag, you don't need to get the one with this cover.


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