Tuesday 6 June 2017


Copyright relevant owner

Here's an absolute belter for you, Crivvies!  Mighty MIKE NOBLE's fantastic cover to the final FIREBALL XL5 Annual of the 1960s.  As Mike was considered the XL5 artist from his strips in TV CENTURY 21, it was only fitting that the series of four books bowed out with his drawing adorning the cover.  It'd make a great pin-up.  Clickety-click.


  1. About ten years ago, I was at a garage sale and picked this up for $10. When leaving, I punched the air and shouted "YES!!!" - and then explained to my baffled partner that I had given this very object to my older brother as a Christmas present when it was originally published (with some financial assist from the parent, of course). And growing up, do you think that stingy barsteward would ever let me read it? No he flippin' well wouldn't....whoever it is that goes on about the sanctity and preciousness of "family" has never had to deal with ratbag siblings. It took 35 years, but I finally had one that I could leaf through any time I wanted...and with the artwork within, that's been quite often.

  2. You mean you never sneaked a look at it when your brother wasn't around, BS? I'd have read it without him ever knowing. $10 is a good price for this book, so you did well. If only you could get the three books that preceded it for a similar price and you'd have the full set at next-to-nothing. What kind of condition is your copy in?

  3. Mike Noble is indeed THE man, when it comes to Fireball art ( who can forget his ring of snowmen? ).
    EVEN the great Frank Hampson, of Dan Dan fame, as good as his Fireballs were, did not come up to Mike's level of excellence!
    But, he WAS a very close second!

  4. I think Mike Noble got more action into his panels than Frank Hampson did, but having said that, I really liked that FH Fireball strip. If only he'd managed to keep Steve Zodiac's hairstyle consistent, it would've been better yet. Like you say, JP, a close second, though Don Lawrence did a great version as well.


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