Saturday 3 June 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

This issue was the first appearance of The PUNISHER
and The JACKAL, so is regarded as a real collectors' item
and worth a few shillings.  Thought you might like to see the
cover, so here it is.  FRANK CASTLE's legs don't look quite
right to me, particularly the left one, so I'd have had them
redrawn.  That apart, it's an effective image.  Like it?


  1. Wonder how many times that little gun fell out of his boot holster? That would have gotten pretty annoying pretty quickly.

  2. Maybe it was a tight fit, BS? It's unlikely he'd have had to use it in a quick-draw.

  3. So we've had the debuts of Wolverine and The Punisher, - seems like a good idea for an ongoing series to me?

  4. I think I'd have to be more organised for that, JP. I'm far too lazy, and tend to make things up as I go along when it comes to choosing what to post.

    1. The ammount of posts you have made over the years, plus your interactions with other people's blogs, - well "lazy" is certainly not the word to describe you! ( I honestly don't know how you fit it all in?! )
      But, I get it that that's not the way you work!
      No worries!

  5. Thanks for the kind words, JP, but 'lazy' is probably the best word to describe me. There's a medical reason for my laziness though, so I'm not embarrassed about it.


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