Monday 19 June 2017


BRIAN CANT, the voice of TRUMPTON,
one of the hosts of PLAY SCHOOL and PLAY
AWAY has died, aged 83.  Another childhood
legend gone, alas.  We shall remember him.


  1. I heard about this while listening to Front Row on Radio 4 - they played the theme from Play Away as a tribute.

  2. I remember coming home one Saturday afternoon/evening in the '70s and Play Away was on BBC 2 (I think) and it was the very sketch on this post. I watched the programme quite a few times after that, because it was totally mental.

  3. Oh dear, another presenter I used to like - gone. We used to watch Play Away, even though we were far too old for it and I always liked Brian Cant ( and Floella Benjamin! )

  4. I was also too old to watch it, JP, but it was a brilliant programme. It was like 'tripping' without drugs.

  5. Nowadays Floella Benjamin is a member of the House of Lords !

  6. Even though she's not a lord, she's a lady. The feminists will be outraged!

  7. He had an amazing voice I loved him narrating "Trumpton" etc - Another case of when hearing he was in his 80s I was surprised as I thought he was only about 65ish - I keep forgetting time does not stand still.

  8. I also was surprised at his age, PM - I would have placed him in his early 70s at the oldest. I've got Trumpton, Chigley, and Camberwick Green on DVD - must watch them some day.

  9. My oldest friend (since primary school... and that was many, many, many days ago) and I have a 'game' we have being playing weekly recently ....."which childhood icon has died this week!!!". John Noakes was the last true icon to leave us and I don't think Sam Panopoulos (inventor of the Hawaian pizza) counts. (Personally I don't think if you have to google the name it counts). But Brian Cant is most certainly a childhood icon whose passing just makes me feel older and closer to the last issue of Batman I will ever read.

  10. I know how you feel. Recently, I've been feeling older and older almost every day. That final bedtime looms larger with each passing moment.


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