Thursday 29 June 2017


Remember my post on the KENROY Auto-Caddy back in April?  Well, I've now got one which seems never to have been used.  It comes in its original mail-order box, posted on December 3rd 1967.  The last pic is the unopened bag of wall-mount, screws, and glue (for affixing it to tiles).  I doubt I'll ever be using it for tea though - maybe I'll fill it with instant coffee instead.  Great, innit?


  1. I'm with you there, Baab, that's why I bought one. Just think, it comes from 1967 and it's never been used.

  2. My Nana (gran) had one in her kitchen,
    I thought it was purchased direct from ACME.
    Even after it had been broken and disposed of,the wall fitting remained for years.

    Your first post on this reminded me of the wall fitting first,funny that.

    I can easily build up a memory from this and as the rest of the furniture and fittings appear,wallow in
    the joyful times I spent in my Nana's kitchen.

    Thanks for that.

  3. A pleasure, Baab. That's what I'm here for - to rekindle a few memories. Along with my yellow Pyrex 'Drinkups' and my Kenroy Auto-Caddy, I can't help but think of the '60s kitchens I knew.

  4. There is still an impression on our kitchen wall, underneath all the paint where ours used to be!
    You have mentioned before "PG Tips", which made me wonder, as a kid, did you collect the cards out of the packet?
    ( And, if not, WHY not? Call yourself a collector? )

  5. I indulged in a bit of nostalgia myself yesterday. I was in Tesco with some time to kill so I ended up looking at the toys which I haven't done in donkey's years. As well as the Lego and action figures etc they had those little cars that Corgi and Matchbox used to make - I had loads of those cars in the mid-'70s. The cars on sale yesterday were from Hot Wheels but close enough - in a mad moment of nostalgia I bought one and now I don't know whether to leave it pristine in its' packaging or open it.

  6. I might've collected the odd one, JP, but for all I know, my mother bought Typhoo. I'd need to see them again to recall if I had any.


    Solution to that, CJ, is to buy two - one to open, one to hang on the wall. Matchbox cars are still made, by the way, but the last time I looked, Mattel owned them.

    1. My grandparents drank Brooke Bond, so I collected their cards. But we drank Typhoo, which was better tea. What I did manage to get from Typhoo is an album of "Transport Through The Ages" cards. Although there were none in the packets, ther

  7. CONTD.
    ....There were b&w pictures on the side of the boxes. If you cut them all off and collected the full set and sent them in to Typhoo, they would send you the album!
    My brother should still have it in his loft!

  8. Nab it quick - it'll probably be worth something.

      £12 for the album alone!
      Things are only worth money if you sell them though! - I'm a "keeper"!

  9. I take it your brother's album has the cards in it? He might sell it if it's worth something, so nab it back from him.


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