Friday 9 June 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

From the back cover of TERRIFIC #6 comes this JACK KIRBY pin-up of The MIGHTY THOR.  And that's all I really need to say, isn't it?  Unless, of course, you want me to witter on a bit more and - what's that?  You don't?  Oh, okay then.  (Mumble, mumble, sulk!)
I threw in the cover too.  (Not that you deserve it, you ungrateful lot!)


  1. Nice! I have that cover as a double spread in an Australian Conan comic from 1975. As you know with most reprints the Conan story is in black and white, then arrive in the middle to Kang and the gang in full colour.


  2. A nice classic pin up - the Kang story featured on the cover is one of my favourite early Avengers tales although I remember this from the UK Avengers weekly comic. I really liked Kirby's art on those stories (although I think that may have been Jacks last issue)

  3. That's a Conan comic worth having for that pin-up alone, T. Seems an odd mix though.


    It was his last regular ish, PM, though he returned to do layouts for #16. The Kang story is also a favourite of mine, and I recall reading this issue of Terrific during a class break in primary school back in the '60s.

  4. I guess you're a happy man today now that Scottish independence is a dead duck, eh kid ?

  5. Never count your dead ducks 'til they're buried, CJ. (With a stake through the heart for good measure.)

  6. You knew I'd recognise it straight away, didn't you?
    Now then, I never liked Kang as a villain, - he was far TOO GREEDY! Not content on conquering Earth in the future, he wanted to go back in time and conquer it in various points in his past too! But...wouldn't that have then affect his reign in the future, when he got back there?

  7. I think it was wiser never to think too much about those time travel paradoxes, JP. Far too headache inducing - a bit like my posts.

  8. Re the Conan poster Kid. Yes definitely worth owning them.I have ten Conan's with posters, with only one of Conan himself. I think the odd mix is more for advertising as they mention it on some eg Silver Surfer coming soon.


  9. You never know, T, they might be worth something one day - if they aren't already.

  10. Not worried about that as reprints not much I don't think? Would love to get good copies then have them framed to hang up.


  11. Some British reprints fetch a pretty penny these days, T, so you never know. Pop along to a place with a colour copier that does A3 copies and get the pin-ups duplicated there. Then you can get them framed and hang 'em on the wall.

  12. Are you referring to the odhams Kid? I like the Marvel reprints I do not have many British only Super Heroes no 1, Conan no 1, Dracula no 1, all with their posters.


  13. Odhams, as well as some of the early British Marvels, T. Some comics dealers are asking for quite high prices for them. Whether they'll get the prices asked is another matter, I suppose.

  14. Thats true I have seen a lot of the early UK Marvels with paper covers (MWON and Spider-Man Comics Weekly) with prices (£15 for MWONM 1) others for £5 on average (Alan Class comics can go for more on certain issues) But in saying that I picked up a good conditioned copy of "Fantastic" in Glasgow (near City Centre comics" for 70p ( POW, Smash and Wham tend to cost more) last weekend.

  15. I've seen MWOM #1 with an asking price of £30 and more from some dealers, but I doubt it's worth that to anyone but the most ardent (and rich) collectors. I thought you'd bought 3 issues of Fantastic, PM? What numbers were they?

  16. I go that single issue along with a few issues of Spider-Man classics last Saturday I picked up a few Fantastic's a few weeks before that. The one i got on Saturday is issue 48

  17. Only another 85 issues to go before you have the full set, PM. Not forgetting one Summer Special and three Annuals.

  18. I have the summer special and about 10 or so issues I think that's enough for me I concentrate more on collecting POW, Wham and my favourite SMASH - I even left an issue of Fantastic that was in the shop

  19. Oh, you cruel man, PM. You mean you left that poor Fantastic on its own after liberating its siblings? Is there no end to your callousness, you heartless beast?


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