Wednesday 17 May 2017



And here's a model sheet for YOGI BEAR & BOO BOO to go with the FRED & BARNEY one in the previous post.  I spoil you all, I really do.


  1. The second comic that I had a regular order for as a nipper ( the first being Harold Hare's Own Paper ) was Huckleberry Hound Weekly. I very soon got interested in every Hanna-Barbara cartoon and would collect any publication that had them in. After a while though, I moved on to other comics, but it is a weird coincidence that I should find, many years later, a blogger with SO MANY similar interests to those I have had in my life. Do you think that certain boys'/mens' brains are actually "hard-wired" to like the same things?
    ( or, are some of us, simply mutants, a much superior form of being, whose rightful place....Oops, sorry, got a bit carried away there! )

  2. Correct on the last point, CJ, but best to keep that to ourselves. I think it's simply the case that we can only respond to what's out there at the time, which probably explains why loads of people who grew up in a particular period have similar tastes. (Nah, I still prefer the mutants bit.)


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