Saturday 6 May 2017


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Did it!  Finally obtained a copy of The DALEK Book from 1964 (for '65).  I have scans of all three '60s Dalek tomes, which I took from someone else's books while repairing them a few months back.  (Replacing a spine, removing marks, fixing torn pages, etc.)  However, nothing beats having the real thing and now I've got one of them - the very first.  (Update: Now got all three of them.)

If I ever see inexpensive copies of the other two books in the series, I'll grab them of course (see above update), but I could live with just the first one as it predates TV CENTURY 21 and introduces the EMPEROR Dalek.  When I was a kid, I don't recall seeing any of the books, so I thought the Golden Emperor's first appearance was in TV21 in 1965.  Nope, it was The Dalek Book, issued in 1964.

To celebrate my acquisition, I've decided to share a few pages with you.  As I already said, I've got scans from a friend's book, but you deserve a bit of effort, so I've scanned the pictures on display from my own volume so you won't feel cheated.  Do I spoil you or what?  So enjoy the first three pages from the first comic strip to feature The Daleks, taken, as I said, from their first-ever book.

Well, whaddya think?  Lemme know.


(Click on images to enlarge, click again for optimum size.)


  1. I had this book as a Christmas present in the 60,s kid but can you tell me when the disc,s that the daleks fly on first appeared on tv.

  2. Nice! Always liked the Daleks. I can remember those flying ones but not sure if I had this book? They certainly made a big impression on me as a youngster, watched them at the pictures as well.


  3. I don't remember the 'discs' (referred to as transolar disks or hoverbouts) ever appearing on TV, S. The Daleks can now fly, but it's unassisted.


    I remember the first movie being advertised in TV21, T, but I never saw it 'til about 10 years later on TV. I've now got the DVDs of both films.

  4. Kid, I've just been reading a "bookazine" called 'The Sgt. Pepper 50th Anniversary Book' which celebrates the Beatles' famous album and also looks at the events of 1967 in great detail month-by-month with loads of photos. It was a fascinating read and you might enjoy it, especially as you remember that year - I don't but I know that in May '67 we moved from Islington to Scotland (until Feb '68). I bought the bookazine in Tesco.

  5. Thanks, CJ, I'll keep an eye out for it. My local WHS will likely have it. 1967 sometimes seems like only a couple of months back to me.

  6. Kid any chance you could scan those DVD Dalek covers? Have they used original material for them? Might try and get those if still av.


  7. I'll dig 'em out later this evening, but they don't use the original movie poster art, if that's what you're looking for.

  8. Yeah it was. Just trying to jog the grey matter to see if I remembered it! If you do not mind it would still be good to see them, thanks.


  9. Okay, call back at the end of the night.

  10. Congratulations on your acquisition, you are now the proud owner of my all-time favourite annual!
    You really DO need those other two now, though!
    But watch out for a Dalek World with a page missing doing the rounds on EBay!

  11. I'll probably get the other two at some stage, JP, but I'm in no mad rush. The first one is the most important to me.

  12. And did you notice that the very first Emperor had a spike on the top of his dome? Perhaps based on Kaiser Bill' s helmet?
    Also, he had no body,- just a midriff and fender!

  13. Yup, noticed the spike, but never thought much about it, JP. The Emperor does have a body, it just doesn't have the half-spheres dotted 'round it. Glad they 'fixed' it for TV 21 'though. His casing evolved over the 104 issues as well.


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