Sunday 7 May 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Above is the cover of The FANTASTIC FOUR #2 as originally prepared (without the colour, which was added for a MASTERWORKS volume), below as it saw publication after STAN LEE decided it needed some revision.  What do you think, readers, were the changes an improvement or not?  Either way, what are the reasons for your view?


  1. I have ALWAYS been a staunch advocate for the case for speech balloons on the covers, - they help sell the comic! Take all of Curt Swan's covers for example, - every single one of those cries out, "READ ME!"

  2. I can't make up my mind - I like both versions.

  3. Like the colors on the original but like the Torch flame on the redo.

  4. Like I said, PS, the original was only coloured for reprinting in the first edition of FF Masterworks. It never got past the b&w stage back in the '60s.

  5. Like John Pitt, I've always been a fan of speech balloons on the covers of comics. So I prefer the original version before it was altered. It just looks more interesting and dynamic to me.

  6. I think I'd have removed the jaggy blurbs with the characters' names and given Reed a speech balloon. It's just a bit TOO busy. I also think it was the right decision to remove the repetition of 'deadly' in the caption.


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